To regard the 28_ ( th) of criminal law as the coerced offender's existence basis, really gives a strained interpretation. Article 28 of criminal law is an additional regulation about prime culprit and accessory. 以刑法第28条作为胁从犯的存在依据,实属牵强附会,刑法第28条是关于主犯和从犯的补充规定;
The Changzhou School ′ s theory of ci poems, in its over one hundred years ′ development from strained interpretation and analogies to an aesthetic hold in grasp, had formed a self perfected theoretical system. 常州派词学在一百多年的发展中,形成了一个从附会求意到审美把握的自我完善的理论系统。张惠言提出意内言外的词学本体论及其比兴寄托的阐释方法;